Monday, August 30, 2004

Here We Go Again

Before we even get the debris picked up from our yards another major hurricane seems to be headed our way.
This time joy of joys it would be coming directly off the ocean instead of crossing the state. At the time of this post the predictions are calling for another eye visit of the type that punted Gorda, this could be a ton of fun.

If they thought it was bad in Punted Gorda, what with the looting, just wait to Daytonans get to put their special spin on the post storm loot fest. Looting a Fire Station would be nothing compared to the ingenious debauchery the citizens of the Halifax area are capable of, think fist fights over bags of ice, and drunken biker babes dancing in the streets in the middle of the night 'cause there ain't nuttin' else to do. Don't put it past the local rednecks-with-a-buck-or-two to start setting up road blocks and stopping the ice, power, food, etc. trucks and eating their drivers.

Well anyway enjoy your weekend ,
Awww I don't really love ya but I'm out

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Beautiful, Beautiful Boy

Tomorrow is my boy Lucas' 8th birthday, it's been a very hard week being visited by Charley, and stared at directly by his ugly eye.

But, the show must go on so we'll have a small party for him and take him to Orlando for a weekend of whatever his 8 year-old little heart desires over Labor Day weekend.

The clean up is oh so much fun, what with the daily rains and the city governments telling us the earliest they can pick up our giant piles of debris can be as late as six weeks from now.
The piles make the lawn easier to mow since there is so little of it left uncovered

Most of all this whole ordeal has taught us how hard it is to be unconnected.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Charley post

It's finally over the storm is passed and my wonderful beautiful power has been restored.
I've learned my lesson, as soon a possible I am going to go out and buy,no not a generator, but a good battery powered TV.
Holy crap I just couldn't take it, the heat wasn't so bad, or the dark, or having to cook out on the grill for 4 days, not even not being able to sleep, which nearly killed poor Cecil (my dog), I'd wake him up at all hours and take him for three hour walks ,you can now see his ribs.
In all the biggest problem was filling the time between sweeps of the clock.

Well thankfully it's over and I can go back to sleeppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Titanic Tagteam of Tornadic Terror

Here they go again the local Press treating the masses to another weather sideshow complete with the fat lady and even LobsterBoy may make an appearance(sunburned tourist).

They're coming right at us, the mantra of late has been echoed nearly every minute on local TV, by the seemingly ever pregnant Weather Chickies whose even though the maps partially hidden by their internalized offspring clearly show a different story.

They oh so excitedly warn us to prepare by; getting flashlights, batteries and not to forget the necessities such as bottled water (incase you use up all the water in your toilet tanks and your tubs.

Not to leave out the fine survival foods things such as meat both potted and canned persuasions and lovely dry goods, which will pretty much stay dry, because you cannot use the water.

Don't forget to take cover, their best suggestion is to hide in your bathtub presumably not the one you fill with water for cooking cleaning etc., and cover yourself with a mattress(this will give the tree limbs crashing through your roof a nice place to rest instead of crashing through your skull. You should already have had your windows prepared with large pieces of plywood, that can live in your garage for nearly all of the year. The real object of the plywood actually has nothing to do with flying limbs much less monkeys. What you can't see can't hurt you.
The worst possible idea you could have is to be foolish enough to try to report a power outage.
Calling the local power Company will get you lost in a labyrinthian push button hell from which you may never escape. This is best left to your neighbors who have nothing better to do because they can't see out of their windows either

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Election wahhhh!!!!!!!

There seems to be a common problem with politicians as well as with much of the world's population today.
I don't really want to sound like an elitist, but people are so helpless I can't help it.
It seems important to me to be a person first (member of the family of man), many people in today's society are a member of their chosen group first almost to exclude belief structures and blind themselves to the needs of those around them. It may be important to you to be a Christian, black, Republican, Democrat, etc. But you can serve all better by basing your actions on a general concern for all groups and belief structures.
Hatred and an inability to empathise with others breeds strife, and strife breeds a need to belong.
Those that are looking to convert or save people from what they deem to be a danger to their belief structure find it easy to prey on those who are socially inept and can't see the good of all in themselves.
It would be a wonderful world if we could all just get along

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Aah crud

Today's post is meant not to be anything other but babbling, 'cause that's how I feel.

Monday, August 09, 2004

let ya know

I know the appearance of a connection to less than at the now pop music might lead you to believe I give a rat's south end, but let me assure you I don't.

In a way this Blog was started in answer to some hurt feelings (things you should never let on that you have),
but that is truly not very important I just kind of need a place to say things.

So here goes:
Watch where and what you write, ya never know who's looking
This is the first presidential election where I didn't know what pile to put my vote in.
You don't walk on water, that's for lizards
If you're bored you aren't trying hard enough

There ya go.

Visited some old friends in G-ville FL, yesterday, it was nice to see them again, and reminded me that you can't re visit your past with your future in tow.

You see the trip was was occasioned by the fact that my wife (the beautiful one) needed to go to that college town to take a certification test (on such a weekend(Summer Grad)). Visiting with my friends was an enjoyable experience but pointed out that the person I was twenty years ago resents the person I am today, as well as most of the people I knew at the time.

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