Thursday, September 30, 2004

What The Heck Happened to September

Yesterday, wasn't yesterday August, how in the world did it suddenly become October.
Well let's break this down and think about it for a second.
The end of August was filled with the winds of uh, uh, was it Charley or the other one ah whatever, after all they have one heck of a family resemblance. Then September was prepare for hurricane, hurricane, cleanup after hurricane, prepare for hurricane, miss, Storm turn around and come back can't miss beautiful Daytona, clean up, Prepare again, hurricane and clean up again.
So there you have it, it went

I think this time I might just leave the plywood up and paint Christmas Trees on it
Well, good-bye from sunny Florida The Plywood State

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Save yourselves

The Scottish historian Alexander Tyler wrote while describing the fall of the Athenian republic in 1787 that a democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. Professor Tyler asserted that one can only exist as long as the voters don't realize they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. For from that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasure. With the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy.
This seems to suggest that we cannot rely on government at all and in the end our greed will destroy the good thing we think we have. My best suggestion would be to raise your kids right, to expect nothing for free, and be productive citizens, for government starts at it's lowest level the family.

Hunker Down

Hunker down here comes the hurricane
Hunker down here comes the storm
Hunker down here we go again
Hunker down has become the norm

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Oh yeah, I forgot

Oh yeah, I forgot

I didn't remember to keep up on my writing and kind of just forgot about doing anything lately, I believe it has something to do w/ post hurricane stress dis-order.
Unfortunately we still have a lot of the Hurricane Season to look forward to what with 5 storms still out there and Ivan effecting us as I write this mess.
I really seemed to forget to clean in the house, you get so busy worrying about the mess outside ( putting fences back up cutting trees to haul to the curb...) that you don't have the energy to do much more than complain about the mess the inside of your house has become. Finally when we thought it was all over I took my injured shoulder and started cleaning, etc. We went out and got some new furniture not much but enough to make us feel better, then started cleaning, which took all weekend. I also decided to create a new family area in the back yard and have laid out a nice set of patio stones and put up some new shrubbery to make a wall (better than a fence) shrubs let through air and are easier to replace. I also took the unimaginable plunge of buying a gas grill (GASP), decided to do it right and got one of the biggest I could find.

Enjoying the outside and loving my Family,

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